Friday, November 9, 2007

Greg Bourassa Building The Next Berkshire Hathaway

Building The Next Berkshire Hathaway
Greg Bourassa leads Lighthouse Venture Group in its pursuit of becoming the next Berkshire Hathaway

reg R. Bourassa is the twenty three year old founder, chief executive officer and chief investment officer of Lighthouse Venture Group. He is also a member of LVG’s Office of the President and board of directors. Lighthouse Venture Group a holding company whose subsidiaries include Lighthouse Venture Group, LLC a private investment company that owns and invests in a diversified group of businesses and real estate.
In March, Bourassa was inducted into the Lexington’s Who’s Who of Executives. His investment wisdom comes from the best in the business, names like Warren Buffett, Benjamin Graham, Philip Fisher, and Peter Lynch.
“My goal for Lighthouse Venture Group is to be the next Berkshire Hathaway.” He works diligently on his goal, which includes, calling and researching companies, reading annual reports, visiting companies, studying the financials, and then waiting patiently for the right price. “Investing is something I will do for the rest of my life, I love playing the game.”
This entry was posted on Thursday, October 11th

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